On March Goals and Leap Year Nonsense
It's leap day! Yay! Except I don't really care, lol. Well, I have always wondered how exact that 1/4th of a day we add up every 4 years actually is. I mean, over the last 1000 years have all our leap days added up exactly to keep the seasons in place? I suppose all I'd have to do is look up a solstice or equinox and see what day it was in 1008 vs 2008. Maybe I'll head over to google and do that.
On to goals. March 23rd will mark my 1 year etsyversary. Fun! So this month I'm going to set some pretty ambitious goals, and publish them here to make sure I keep kicking myself into creating and promoting.
Etsy Goals for March 2008:
- 103 new hearts
- 32 new sales
- 10 new styles of items for sale
I'll try to keep updates posted on my blog, and will most definitly be adding things to this short little list. I want to get 103 new hearts to reach 1000 total. I want to make 32 sales to beat my last best month (August 2007). I want to make at least 10 new items for my shop because 90% of my items are the same style repeated over and over and I need to freshen up my inventory!
I hesitate to set a monetary goal here because often I do really well in sales but then need to buy a certain supply and end up making a big order to stock up on other things as well. This seriously eats into my profits, so much so that I really do need to reevaluate my prices again due to the precious metal markets. I would also love to make new wholesale accounts with retailers, but with the gold market still reaching record highs every day and the silver market outstandingly expensive as well, I'm suspicious that this may be the reason to my complete standstill of wholesale orders.
Now -- Off to create!!
Very cool goals! My 1 year Etsyversary is in May.
Good luck!!
Hi. thanks for dropping by my blog. Good luck on your Etsy goals. I just discovered Etsy last month and I'm not a member of it either but I'm hoping to create somthing I can sell there. A lot people like you seem to be successful selling their stuff there and it's inspiring. I'm gonna add your site to my Inspiring and Helpful Blogs" on my side bar. Have a nice day!
It's so great to set a level of achievement! Good luck to you!!
Great goals to have! i have never set monthly goals before, but maybe i should be! i am sure you will meet yours! awesome shop by the way! oh and congrats on your etsyversary!!!
You have a great set of goals. Good luck! I jotted down a few the other day, but now to find that list...
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