Those Good Ol' Unidentifiable Gemstones
So I made another bezel setting, this one a ring. It has a really cool purple and white stone, that I cannot for the life of me identify! The Etsy Forum Peeps did their best to help me out, but no sure answer was found. What do you think it is?? Use my poll at the right to vote. Update: 5/20/08 Poll Closed! Thank you for your votes! Sodalite came out as the popular vote though I have other hunches.

LOL I haven't the slightest idea what it is but it's beautiful.
Purple stones seem to be the ones that completely perplex me these days as well. There are so many stones that are dyed to look like charoite, sugalite, and lepidolite. I learned my lesson a year or so ago when I bought what was sold to me as sugalite at the International Gem & Jewelry Show. I posted a piece on Etsy and was quickly informed by a couple of people that it wasn't sugalite, but probably dyed howlite or something. I did my homework, and the next time the show was in town, I went back and found the same people and picked the same stones up and asked what they were and was again told sugalite. I then asked again, a little more insistently, and the same answer was repeated. I then said, oh, it's not dyed howlite, and then they said, "yes, yes, dyed sugalite. I was so PISSED OFF!!! I found three others selling the same stones, all claiming it was sugalite. Moral of the story... only buy from those you trust to have integrity. In any case, however, the stones are still beautiful. The problem lies in using them in our pieces and selling them as we'd all like to know what we're working with with some amount of confidence when we sell it to our customers.
The ring is beautiful in any case. My vote goes for lepidolite or charoite, but that's really only a guess. Doesn't look like howlite.
I am not sure, I believe they are a form of dyed agate I read called bamboo agate. Not 100% sure
(in response to your question on my blog ^_^)
This looks like Crazy Lace Agate to me. IMHO...
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